
Friday, October 7, 2011

moding the backgammon

1. changing the board - the art on the board needs to be changed that goes without question.
2. giving the doubling cube a new use. not many have played with a doubling cube or even know what it is i want to try to get players to use it more by giving it a new uses to add to the game play
3. changing the stacking rule. Possible only having up to 3 on one triangle at a time.
4. removing a 6 sided dice for a 4 sided one that  multiples what u land on the other six sided dice
5. laying out the checkers differently at the start
6. give some checkers more importance
7. navigate the board in a different way
8 have to role to put checkers on the board
9 make the game a co-op game
10 have a checker be a king that needs to be protected
11 move around the board zig zaged
12 have one dice but move two chips that number
13 roll four dice, move four chips
14 change the rule so that if u move 3 chips onto an opposing 2 they can be sent to the bar
15 wen putting pieces from the bar on the board if there is more then on you can put them both on the board at the same time.
16. subtract the amount of pieces by half
17 buying pieces so that you can try to jump on your opponent
18. change the rules for barring off
19. players race along the same path
20. a hit gets you more spaces

I tried some of my mods, some work and some need some work but i lake the 6sided die with the 4 sided die multiplayer, it changes the game enough to be a little different and speed up the game witch i find is the biggest problem with the game it feels really slow, with the four sided die players can move around the board much faster only during the barring off phase or the part when the player is removing there pieces do they need both the six sided dice as the normal rules would apply for that final part of the game.

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